Pres block

Press block which is a company of 130 people, located in Turin area. A young and dynamic reality, Pres Block is always looking for new products to put on the market.

Pres Block headquarter is located in Caselette (Turin) where there is a moulding machines area as well as assembling products line. Another plant located in Almese (Turin) where there is medical devices production.

Pres Block is able to develop special valves and connectors for different markets, thanks to own know-how of more than 50 years.

They have an important know-how in following main markets

  • Plumbing - In the plumbing market they are specialized in production of manifolds for underfloor heating and cooling, as well as push-in connectors for wall/ceiling radiant systems.
  • Medical Devices - In the health and medical market, thanks to our wide range of medical gas outlets, we could cover requests from each part of the world as well as customize the products according to customers’ request.